Joseph White, Mental Health Counselor in Virginia

Joseph White, Mental Health Counselor in Virginia

Navigating mental health services can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to finding the right counselor. If you’re searching for a mental health professional in Mechanicsville, Virginia, you may come across Joseph White, a licensed mental health counselor dedicated to providing care to individuals seeking support. This article provides an in-depth overview of Joseph White’s background, practice, and key details, including his National Provider Identifier (NPI) number, and how you can contact him for services.

Who is Joseph White?

Joseph White is a licensed mental health counselor practicing in Mechanicsville, Virginia. He provides care to individuals dealing with a wide range of mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, trauma, and stress. With a focus on patient well-being and individualized treatment plans, Joseph White is a trusted healthcare provider in the community.

What is an NPI Number and Why Does it Matter?

An NPI (National Provider Identifier) is a unique 10-digit identification number assigned to healthcare providers in the United States. It helps to streamline healthcare services, making it easier for providers, insurance companies, and patients to share information. Each healthcare provider, including mental health counselors like Joseph White, has an NPI number that distinguishes them in national databases, such as the NPI registry.

Joseph White’s NPI Profile and Number

Joseph White’s NPI number is his official identifier in the healthcare system. It ensures that patients, insurance providers, and healthcare professionals can quickly find verified information about him. You can locate his NPI number through the NPI registry website, a reliable source for finding NPI numbers of healthcare providers nationwide.

  • NPI Number Joseph White: 1982195012

This number is crucial when working with insurance providers, booking appointments, or checking his credentials.

Primary Practice Location in Mechanicsville, VA

Joseph White’s primary practice location is in Mechanicsville, Virginia, at Elm Dr., Ste [Number]. His office provides a comfortable environment for face-to-face counseling sessions. He also offers telehealth appointments to provide flexible access to mental health services for those who prefer remote counseling.

His practice is easy to find using location-based directions, and it’s well-situated for clients in and around Mechanicsville, VA.

Services Offered by Joseph White

Joseph White offers a wide range of mental health services, including but not limited to:

  • Individual therapy for anxiety, depression, and mood disorders.
  • Stress management counseling.
  • Trauma therapy and PTSD support.
  • Relationship counseling and family dynamics.
  • Telehealth services for remote therapy sessions.

Whether you are seeking short-term counseling for a specific issue or long-term mental health support, Joseph White tailors his approach to meet individual needs.

How to Contact Joseph White

Phone Number and Additional Contact Information

To schedule an appointment or get more information about Joseph White’s services, you can reach his office via the provided phone number. Having access to his direct contact details makes it easy to get in touch, ask questions, and inquire about availability.

Telehealth and In-Person Appointments

In today’s digital age, many patients prefer the convenience of telehealth appointments, especially when it comes to mental health. Joseph White provides telehealth counseling for individuals who are unable to attend in person or who prefer the flexibility of online services.

What to Expect During Your Counseling Sessions

When you schedule a session with Joseph White, whether in-person or via telehealth, expect a compassionate and patient-centered approach. He believes in creating a safe, non-judgmental space where clients can freely express their concerns and work toward solutions. The first session typically involves an intake interview to better understand your mental health needs, while subsequent sessions focus on developing strategies and tools for wellness.

Why Choose Joseph White Mental Health Counselor Virginia NPI?

There are many reasons why Joseph White stands out as a mental health counselor:

  • Experience: With years of professional experience in the mental health field, Joseph has built a reputation for offering compassionate care.
  • Comprehensive services: From trauma therapy to anxiety management, he covers a broad spectrum of mental health issues.
  • Accessibility: Offering telehealth appointments makes it easier for clients to get the care they need, regardless of their location.
  • Positive Patient Feedback: Joseph White has received positive reviews from patients, citing his attentive nature, professionalism, and effectiveness in treatment.

How to Verify NPI Information

To verify Joseph White’s NPI number and credentials, you can visit the NPI registry website. This website allows users to perform a search for healthcare providers using their NPI number or name. Simply enter Joseph White’s NPI number or search for his name and location in Mechanicsville, VA.

Understanding NPI Numbers for Healthcare Providers

An NPI number is a critical part of the healthcare system in the United States. This unique identification number helps keep track of healthcare providers’ information in a standardized way across different states and practices. It’s especially helpful when dealing with insurance claims or referrals from other healthcare providers.

Nearby Locations and Additional Services

In addition to his Mechanicsville, VA office, Joseph White may have additional locations or partnerships with other mental health professionals in the area. Patients can inquire directly through his phone number or visit the NPI registry for updated information on other locations and services.

Insurance and Payment Options

Joseph White accepts various forms of insurance, including Medicare and Medicaid services. Patients are encouraged to contact his office to discuss payment options and verify whether their insurance provider is accepted. This helps ensure a smooth process when it comes to billing and payments.

How to Find Mental Health Counselors in Virginia

If you’re looking for other mental health counselors in Virginia, there are several ways to conduct a search:

  • Use the NPI registry to look up mental health professionals by name, location, or specialty.
  • Visit websites like (for manga enthusiasts) or other review platforms where healthcare providers are rated based on patient experiences.
  • Contact local healthcare providers or use Medicaid services to find a licensed therapist in your area.


Joseph White is a dedicated mental health counselor serving the Mechanicsville, Virginia area. His practice, centered on compassionate care, offers both in-person and telehealth services to meet the needs of his patients. With a verified NPI number and years of experience, Joseph White is a trustworthy provider for individuals seeking mental health support.


What is Joseph White’s NPI number?

Joseph White’s NPI number can be found on the NPI registry website.

Where is Joseph White’s office located?

His primary practice location is in Mechanicsville, VA, on Elm Drive.

Does Joseph White offer telehealth services?

Yes, Joseph White provides both in-person and telehealth appointments.

What types of mental health issues does Joseph White treat?

Joseph White specializes in treating conditions like anxiety, depression, trauma, and stress management.

How can I verify Joseph White’s credentials?

You can verify his credentials by visiting the NPI registry and searching for his NPI number or name.

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